気が付けばもう6月。 毎月末にUPしようと思っているThe Music Showも(楽しみにしてくれている人がいればの話ですが)どんどん遅れていてすみません。 今回は『Past of yourself』という曲をUPしました。 この曲は全編英語詞なのですが、ネイティブの方々が聞いたら「なんてへんてこなかしなのだ」と思われるに違いない内容になっています。
If change your name now. If change your face now. If change your everything now. If it’s little more smart. If it’s little more strong. If it’s little more rich now. Remind again remind again. There were miracle miracle days. Even now. Your smile and your heart. Great great things were made from past of yourself.
If change your name now. If change your face now. If change your sweetheart. If change your everything now. Remind again remind again. There were miracle miracle days. Even now. Your smile and your heart. Great great things were made from past of yourself.
Let’s make it again. And say it again. So get it again. And share it again.
Breath again breath again. There were miracle miracle days. Even now. Looking the small moment. Feeling and touching the time of each special day.
Even if change your name. Even if change your face. Your smile and your heart. Great great things were made from past of yourself .